My wonderful, hard working Mother came over today and helped me go through
Rylie's room to get things ready for Anna. We packed away all of the too small/big clothes and decided to get rid of quite a few things as well. We
rearranged her closet and dresser so now Anna has the drawers in the diaper changing table and the whole
armoire to herself. I also washed all of her 0-3 month clothes and put them away. I realized that
Rylie had too many baby clothes (due to hand me downs and her baby shower), so I packed two big boxes to give to my friend Becky who is also having a girl. It feels so good to have Anna's clothes all organized and put away. I have her little rattles and crib set and
boppy, etc. all organized and ready as well.
I still need to go through all of
Rylie's toys and get rid of quite a few of them. She has an overabundance and her birthday is coming soon. I'm sure Anna will
acquire a few of her own as well. I also have bins of
Rylie's clothes in each size in the basement, that I need to go through and get rid of some and organize the others so they are stored in a reasonable manner. My basement is rather scary at the moment, I considered posting photos but I might give some nightmares! I had toyed with the idea of having a garage sale, but the thought of storing piles of things until this summer gave Ryan and I the shakes. Instead I will call one of those charities that will come to your house and pick up your junk, I mean wonderful belongings that you want to donate!
I have several projects I want to get done before Anna comes (I think I'm nesting). I need to finish the landing, go through and organize the hallway, make my closet usable, go through the bedroom bookshelf, put important papers in the filing cabinet, the HUGE basement project, etc. I'm tired just
thinking about it all!
Speaking of tired, I am exhausted after all that work today and am having not very
pleasant contractions. Ryan graciously brought home a pizza so I wouldn't have to cook and
Rylie is happily watching Cinderella.
Another accomplishment I would like to complete in 2008 is to take the reading challenge set out by
Natalie to read 10 books in the year, specifically some out of your normal "reading comfort zone". When I first heard about this, I thought "no problem", but then I remembered I will have another daughter filling my attention so it may be harder than I thought. I need to make my list of the books I will read, when I have decided on them I will post it. Does anyone else want to take this challenge with me?