Last night our oil ran out! Ryan and Rylie went and bought another space heater and it helped some. Ryan also ordered more oil but they couldn't come until today. We did ok through the night, but it was pretty cold this morning. When Michelle called and said she was taking her boys to the play area at the mall, we decided to join her. Fun and heat, what a combination!
Rylie is feeling much better, however she's hardly eating anything. I'm not rushing her though. I had some contractions last night and then again today (Anna didn't like me walking from the parking lot to the play area at the mall!). I had a good nap, which helped a lot! Ryan on the other hand has caught Rylie's sickness! I guess all that good Daddy snuggle time has its downfalls. Please pray for him to feel better. He stayed home from work today, but he's preaching on Sunday so he really needs to have some time in the office and a clear head!
My friend, Dee has started her own blog! I'm very excited to be able to keep up with her life since we live about four hours away from each other. Stop on over and give her some blogging love!
Amy!!! You are the most lovely, thoughtful, selfless, dear, wonderful woman of God! --and the best friend EVER! :) Thank you for your loving comments!! What you said about me sounds more like YOU! I praise God for putting us on the same path together! :) Knowing and growing with you are 2 of the greatest joys in my life. God is so good!
Love you!!! becky :)
p.s. My first comment!!! Yay!
So, is this what it takes Becky? We have to throw you a party, post your picture, and then gush about you to get you to comment?:) Seriously, I'm glad you had a good time and you are truly a blessing in our lives. We're so glad we could take a little time last night and celebrate YOU! Oh, and I looked again at the picture of your birthday cake and didn't see 80 candles:)!
Seriously! I'm going to have to embroider Lev. 19:32 on a pillow for you or something! -- NIV, of course...can't have the "greyheadedness" of the NASB! You just keep forgetting!
Now that that's said... :) ... Aaron & I are so thankful for both of you... Our friendship is such a gift! And we DID have so very much fun last night!! THANK YOU! :) Praying you're feeling better!!!
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