Thursday, November 15, 2007

Preterm Labor

That is the verdict from my Doctor. I was having more pains and contractions so I called my Doctor this morning. They had me come in and he did a number of tests. My cervix is still closed, which is a huge praise. But I am having preterm labor so he wants me to rest more than I have been, not be lifting, and to drink more water. I'm not quite sure what all that will entail as far as resting more. My Mom is taking Rylie for the day tomorrow so I can just have a day of rest and my wonderful sister in law has offered to take Rylie twice a week. I'm struggling with not wanting anyone to think I'm taking advantage of them, or being thought of as lazy, or not spending enough time with Rylie. Then on the other hand, I don't want Anna to come early. I want to give her the best chance possible. As Pam said, we want a nice fat, healthy baby. So, do I cut everything out? Do I just do Puggles, do I do both Women's Bible study and Flock group? Do I not do any of my Women's Ministry Board responsibilities? Can I still go places? Lot's to figure out. I think I'm just going to have to rest more during the day and then see how I'm feeling on a day by day basis.
The most exciting thing about today was hearing Anna's heartbeat again and seeing her little bum on the ultrasound. My Doctor was doing an ultrasound of my cervix, not on Anna, but I could still see a little of her! She keeps moving around like crazy, so that makes me feel reassured! When I told Rylie that I couldn't lift her anymore, she said, (patting my back) "that's ok Mommy, we'll take care of you." How can I go wrong with that?!

1 comment:

Ryan and Stephanie said...

I will pray that your body will hang on for a few more months. No more premees for the Emrichs/Woods. :)