Happy Birthday Pammy! You are more than a friend, you are truly a sister! I love you!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Update on Cathy
Monday, September 29, 2008
Please Pray!
“The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s ‘own,’ or ‘real’ life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life—the life God is sending one day by day; what one calls one’s ‘real life’ is a phantom of one’s own imagination. This at least is what I see at moments of insight: but it’s hard to remember it all the time.” The Quotable Lewis, (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 1989), 335.
Hopefully that will encourage you as it has me!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
John MacArthur, Safe in the Arms of God (pg. 77)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Linky Love
Uploading Photos: This is a one place stop for uploading all of your photos. You can upload your photos to a plethora of photo sites (ie: Webshots, Photobucket, Shutterfly, Blogger) all at once!
Worship Conference: Go here to listen to Sovereign Grace's worship conference for free. There are some great messages!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Big Kid Class!
Thanks Natalie and Sarah for teaching her!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Baby Friends!
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Brother was on the News!

Jessica and Anna

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Comfort in God's Sovereignty
"The decision about whether a baby lives or dies is God's decision. He allows conception. He allows birth. He also allows death at birth. He allows what is in keeping with His purposes. No death or life occurs apart from the purposes of God. God is actively involved in every feature of every life, including whether a child is born or dies in the womb, and whether a child lives past birth or dies at birth."
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
There are a lot of things on my heart that I would like to vent about, but they involve other people, so I won't. I will tell you about some exciting things that happened this week.
Sunday, when I was home sick (thanks Mom for taking the girls!), I heard a loud crash and looked outside to see a hit and run. People are constantly going through the stop sign in front of our house. The girl that was driving the car that was hit, got out and ran down the road, yelling and cursing, trying to chase the other car. She was extremely mad! I wanted to go out on my porch to watch the action, but hesitated because I was in my pajamas. Then I looked around at the other neighbors that had come outside. There were three other people in their pajamas as well (this was at 4:00 in the afternoon). I guess I wasn't alone in the 'hood! Anyway, there was a lot of ruckus and commotion for about ten minutes and then everyone went away.
Tuesday, I worked all day with Pam at the fair. Her and my brother have a foundation that helps injured and fallen firefighters and their families. They had a booth to sell shirts to raise funds for the foundation. (There are some really good causes they are helping out with, so let me know if you want more information!) I saw some interesting people, got to eat (half) of an Earthquake burger and an elephant ear. I could probably quote you the Chamois spiel since their booth was right across from ours and we heard their demonstration about a thousand times. One of the girls that works at the Elephant Ear booth brought me one for free. I thought that was so nice of her! I also met a guy from Poland who was surprised when I told him I had been to Rabka before! He asked me if I knew any Polish words, so I told him the few I did know. He got a laugh out of my pronunciation! It was fun spending the day with Pam. Afterwards we went to Becky's for dinner and the premiere of House with Jessica and Jenaya, which was fun too.
Wednesday, we went to the zoo. We needed some family time and I am so thankful to our Flock Group who gave us a zoo membership! I totally fell for no reason at all, skinned my knee, and in the process my full cup of pop flew out of hands and spilled all over. Of course we happened to be walking by the table full of white shirts that were for sale. . . you can imagine the rest! And my wonderful husband happened to be walking in front of me too, so he got showered with it as well! Instead of asking if I'm okay though, he just doubles over in laughter! I got him back later in the day though when I convinced Rylie she and her Daddy needed to go pet the rat that the zoo keeper was holding. She begged Daddy to come with her to do that. Rats are Ryan's one fear! He did it though. His love for his daughter outweighed his fear! I don't know if I would be so brave if it was butterflies.
Yesterday and today have been spent babysitting my cousin's baby boy. He's a cutie and a good boy, but it is a little hectic when he and Anna have to eat at the same time. I am glad we get this opportunity to spend time with him though because in a few months, he and his family are leaving to be missionaries in Morocco.
Please pray for my Grandma, she is getting sick with her chemo. It seems to be getting worse.
Please also pray for Patty, my mother in law. She saw the Oncologist yesterday. I won't get into all of it, but pray that her body heals quickly from the surgery so she can start chemo. In order for the chemo to be effective they have to start it as soon as possible. Her body is healing slower than they thought and she still isn't able to eat food (due to a duct that isn't closing) which affects her blood sugar, etc. She is tired of being in pain and having to lay around. She is a very strong woman, but this has really thrown her for a loop. She needs lots of prayers!
Thanks for reading this long, rambling post! Linky Love will be back next week.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The other way of seeing the world is God-centered. Here I acknowledge God as the center of all that exists and the arbiter of all truth. Everything that is true and everything that is knowable has its source in Him. Thus I can only interpret the world properly by rightly acknowledging God. This is, obviously, the biblical worldview. It is God who tells me who He is, God who tells me who I am and God who declares the terms of the relationship between us.
The first worldview allows me to acknowledge as truth only what I want to believe about myself; the second worldview requires me to acknowledge as truth what God says about me. The first worldview has to have as its premise that I am ultimately good while the second has as its premise that God is ultimately good. In the first view I sin against myself while in the second I sin against God. The contrasts could hardly be more pronounced. From Tim Challies
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Main Thing
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Linky Love

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Weekly Weigh In
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It's A Boy!
My baby will never. . .
- have a selfish desire
- utter a useless word
- perform an unkind deed
- think a sinful thought
- have any temptation to sin
- have any suffering
- have any sorrow
- have any pain
- displease God
- have persecution
- have hate
- have quarrels or disagreements
- have disappointments
because it's in Heaven! (from John MacArthur, Safe in the Arms of God)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Love is having daughters!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
S is for Scary Spider
These pictures don't do this horrible man eating gargantuan spider justice! He is huge and he's right outside my back door. He is the cause of my almost panic attack last night. I was trapped outside and couldn't get into my house because of this monstrous thing. Ryan did not help the situation by not letting me in the house as fast as I was trying to get in. He proceeded to laugh at me as I frantically dashed into the house. (It is actually bigger than a quarter.)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Linky Love and My Six Month Old
Giveaway: My friend, Angela has a giveaway on her blog!
Preschool: My friend, Deb told me about this great phonics site. Rylie loves it!
Puritan Prayers: This site is very inspiring!
Persecution in India: Please read these accounts of horrific things happening to Christians in India this week, and then pray, pray, pray!
I can't believe my baby girl is six months old already! She is such a delight! Ryan and I are constantly saying that we should have used "Joy" for her middle name instead of "Sophia". She is a very happy girl. She loves to laugh and smile. She is constantly saying, "Da Da" and she has a word that she uses whenever she sees Rylie ("Ly Ly"). Occasionally she'll say "MaMa". She is enjoying most of her baby food, especially the bananas. One of her favorite pastimes is sucking on her toes! She has learned how to roll over from her tummy to her back and can point to my nose when I ask her. She has two adorable little teeth and is working on more. She loves to give kisses and snuggle her little head into me! We love our precious banana!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Weigh In and Updates
Ryan didn't loose any this week, but he was also pleased that he didn't gain any either. He has been way too busy and preoccupied to count his calories the last few weeks.
We have had a fun week so far. Monday night, our friends, Chantal and Justin came over to have dinner with us and the Groth's. The Groth's are the missionaries Ryan and I (and Rylie in my belly) went to minister with in Poland four years ago. They were home on furlough so it was great to catch up with them. Justin and Chantal are planning a trip to Poland in March to minister with them.
Tuesday, I had a Women's Ministry Board meeting. (Ladies from Valley, please plan on attending our mini retreat Oct. 3-4. We are planning some great things for it!) After our meeting, Becky took Anna home with her and Ryan, Rylie and I all went to Panda Express for dinner and then saw Kung Foo Panda at the dollar theater! Since Ryan has been so busy lately he thought it would be good to spend some extra time with Rylie. She really enjoyed the evening, especially the popcorn!
Yesterday, the girls and I went to Borders. My secret sister gave me a gift card for there! (If you read this, thank you!!!) It was fun browsing for the first few minutes then both girls realized they did not enjoy looking at Mommy books. I should have known better! At any rate, we came home with a book for Daddy on poor grammar (I call him my grammar nazi), a pop up Cinderella book for the girls, my favorite movie (Bride and Prejudice, a modern Bollywood remake of Jane Austin's classic), and a novel for me (I, Elizabeth). They did not have the best selection of Christian books. Almost all the good ones they had, we already own, either at home, or in Ryan's office at Church.
I think I might take the girls to the fair tomorrow morning. If you go before noon you can get in for free tomorrow!