Monday, April 30, 2007

Wisdom of the Weeds

We spent the day today working in our yard. We weeded, planted, mulched, fertilized, and seeded! And, whew, we're tired! As I was weeding, I was thinking about the weeds and how they can be an object lesson for sin. There are the obvious large, prickly weeds that instantly stand out. These are like those glaring sins that are ever so apparent in our lives, the "biggies". But, then there are those other weeds. These are the weeds that look a little like common grass, that are small, and usually go unnoticed until they take over your flower bed. These are the weeds that (I was surprised to find out) have the deepest roots. I was thinking that's like those sins that aren't as noticeable. They are the more subtle sins but their roots are deep and they do a lot of damage. They may not seem like a big deal at first, they don't look that bad, but they are deceiving, slowly, surely spreading their roots in your life. I was praying that the Holy Spirit would reveal to me the sins in my life that were like these weeds. I'm sure He's going to keep working on my heart revealing more and more sins. One that He brought to my attention was that I have been using business as an excuse for laziness. It's true that I am busy, but it's like that weed. It's not that noticeable, but it's roots are going deep and spreading to the rest of my life. It is definitely an area that I need to work on, I don't want to, but I need to. I think that's all I'll say on that topic right now, it's a little painful on the pride to be admitting this much to you all! I want to share with you excerpts from Ryan's sermon on Sunday night, but I'll do that tomorrow. Suffice it to say, it was amazing!

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

I worked out side this week to. And kept finding myself cursing Adam and Eve. Seriously did they really have to eat the apple, Look what they made happen, didn't they know!!! UGH.
But they didn't just like you said we don't know our weeds till they have taken over out yards.