Friday, April 27, 2007

New Lion!

Rylie is a member of the Toys R Us kids club, so for her Birthday they sent her a $3 gift card. We keep forgetting to use it, until tonight. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping at a toy store. Her eyes got big and she said "yes, I want a lion!". I asked her if she wanted a different toy but she was insistent on a lion, "it's my favorite!". After an hour and a half of searching and playing with almost every toy in the store, Rylie found her lion. "New lion, Mommy!" She promptly gave it a big hug and said, "It loves me!". That cracked me up. She hugged and kissed it the whole way to the check stand. She proudly gave the checker her gift card (after she tried to swipe it in the credit card machine). I asked her if she was hungry for dinner. She said she was and that her lion was hungry too. I inquired of her what kind of food her lion likes to eat and she said, "he eats leaves". I didn't want to tell her how carnivorous lions really are. We got a Jamba Juice ("pineapple one Mommy") and her lion had to have several sips of it (complete with sound effects). She told her lion, "You're lion" and then she changed her voice to a roaring voice and said "You're Rylie" to herself as if she was the lion. It was so cute! Then on the way home she said, "Lion likes to play, jump, jump, jump (as she's making him jump) and he likes to hop, hop, hop". When we pulled into the garage she said, "Lion, we're home, I'll show you Rylie's house". The whole thing was adorable! She was conversing so much tonight, not just talking, but actually conversing. She is a lot of fun to hang around with! We are very blessed!
I should note that she had a lot of fun with her Daddy today too. I had to work and she and Ryan go to have a Daddy day. They also went shopping and bought Flushed Away, a new lamp (which she proudly showed me as soon as I got home), and they surprised me with a new electric hand mixer. It was very nice! When I asked her if they had fun today she yelled a very enthusiastic "yes"!


Anonymous said...

That is just too cute Amy! Justus is talking a lot more now too and the things he says just crack me up!

red-headed Wilson's said...

I so love getting to know rylie. Everytime I read about her I think how glad I am you two finally had your own special child. She sounds incredible!! I feel like I know her. :)

Ryan and Stephanie said...

Hey, her lion might be a millennium lion that eats leaves and lies down with the lamb. She's quite a theological little girl I think!

Stephanie said...

That is the cutest story! And those pictures...Rylie is so adorable.

If she's real interested in lions, I suggest the book Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen (Knudson?). We just discovered it, and it's a great read.