Friday, June 6, 2008

Linky Love

10 Ways to help your kids love Missions: Desiring God Ministries had a great article a few weeks ago about how to get your children engaged in thinking about and praying for Missions.

Comic Relief: Hope these parodies of real government signs will bring a chuckle to your day!

Third Day: One of our favorite bands is the first Christian band to grace the cover of Billboard Magazine.

Great Sermons: Here are free mp3 downloads of sermons from the New Attitude conference. The first one by C.J. Mahaney is ecspecially good.


Ryan and Stephanie said...

Those government signs are hillarious. I can't wait to show Ryan. That is his kind of humor all over the place!!!
As for the kids and missions article, great article, but I wouldn't put Voice of the Martyr on the list of magazines I would have children look at. It has actual pictures of tortured Christians in it regularly. I'm all for kids knowing truth, but It's probably similar to letting kids watch horror movies, I don't imagine they'll sleep well at night. I know I certainly don't when I read that magazine.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of great sermons on your "Linky Love"...I know where you can download some great sermons for your mp3's from a site that you may have heard of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may have even heard of the world renowned preacher there....oops, I forgot his name!!!! love, mom