Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
I looked up this portion of the Psalm in some commentaries so I thought I would share some random thoughts from them:
-God is not prompted by selfishness or greed. He sets the standards of righteousness.
-"All truth, all right, all justice are measured against His norm." Robert L. Alden
-It is dependable, trustworthy and Divine revelation.
-His promises are all wise and good.
-The threatenings deter us from evil.
-His word is right and therefore all deviations from it are wrong and then we're in the right when we obey it.
-It is straightforward in expression and intent, perfect in moral worth, and impeccable in truth.
-Ps. 12:6 tells us that His words are pure, 19:8 say that they are right, rejoicing the heart, and enlightening the eyes.
-His words hold true.
These are pretty good reasons to praise Him!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Valley of Vision - God Honoured
Praise waiteth for thee,
and to render it is my noblest exercise;
This is thy due from all thy creatures,
for all thy works display thy attributes
and fulfil thy designs.
The sea, dry land, winter cold, summer heat,
morning light, evening shade are full of thee,
and thou givest me them richly to enjoy.
Thou art King of kings and Lord of lords;
At thy pleasure empires rise and fall;
All thy works praise thee and thy saints bless thee;
Let me be numbered with thy holy ones,
resemble them in character and condition,
sit with them at Jesus feet.
May my religion be always firmly rooted in thy Word,
my understanding divinely informed,
my affections holy and heavenly, my motives simple and pure,
and my heart never wrong with thee.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Conversations with a Toddler and Happy Birthday Sarah and Sara!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Vacation Review
Ryan and I thought it would be fun to do a review of our recent anniversary trip to Ocean Shores, WA, in case any of you were thinking of going there.
The Judith Ann Inn (if you want to see more, check out the slideshow from Wednessday's post)This was a beautiful Inn, in an old southern style mansion. The decor was very pleasent, and their was a great view of the ocean. It had a fairly large kitchen, a jacuzzi tub, and wireless internet service. The only drawbacks were that the office wasn't on site, it was down the road about 7 blocks or so. Their point in this was so that people wouldn't be disturbed, but it was kind of a pain if you wanted fresh towels or anything. The other drawback was that there was a $30 housekeeping fee on top of the room rate and you still had to do your own dishes and take out your own trash. There was a $20 fine if they found any dirty dishes.
Dining Out:
Gallaway Bay- Typical pub fare, fun Irish ambience, friendly people. They sometimes have live music. Ryan says to try the Blarney Burger.
Mike's Seafood Restaurant- It was very muggy and the decor was old diner, but not in the nostalgic sense. The fish and chips were ok, but the salmon was full of bones. One to avoid.
Sandcastle Drive In- Get it to go, the food is good, ecspecially the fries, but they must have had the same interior decorator as Mike's!
Overall, we had a great time. If you're looking for a fun get-away, you could do a lot worse.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
1. V.4 His Word is right and true.
2. V.4 He is faithful in all He does.
3. V.5 He loves righteousness and justice.
4. V.5 He has unfailing love.
5. V.6 He created everything.
6. V.7 He sustains and orders creation.
7. V.9 He is all powerful.
8. V.10 He is sovereign over all of the nations.
9. V.11 He has a plan and sticks to it.
10. V.12 He chose His people.
11. V.13-15 He is all knowing.
12. V.18 He knows who we are and what we are going through.
13. V.19-22 He is our help, our deliverer, our shield. He protects us.
14. V.21 He is Holy.
What an awesome list of things to praise God for!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Blogging Break
I am having a hard time however because I am missing my Rylie girl. She is staying with my parents this week. My Mom took her a day early so they could go visit my Grandma, a state away! When she pulled away this afternoon, I bawled! I knew it would bother me, but I didn't realize I would have such a strong reaction. She has never been this far away from us or away from us this long.
This weekend I had the opportunity to help coordinate a women's retreat. I have a lot of information I want to share with you from it, but that will have to wait until next week.
We watched Blood Diamond tonight. It was very disturbing. It made me very sad and want to pray for those in Africa. It also makes me think twice about wanting diamonds! (Not that I can afford them anyway). If you do buy them, insist that they are conflict free! It definitely put my trials into perspective! I'm not sure that I recommend this movie, but if you do watch it, watch it thoughtfully.
By the way, the picture is of Rylie looking at bugs at the park!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
Of course I want to share with you a snippet of my latest Valley of Vision prayer, but I couldn't narrow it down to just one, so here's two snippets for your enjoyment!
"May I be always amongst those who not only hear but know thee, who walk with and rejoice in thee, who take thee at thy word and find life there." This is my desire! I want to know Him, not just hear Him, I want to walk closely with Him and find my joy in Him!
"Help me to be in reality before thee as in appearance I am before men, to be religious before I profess religion, to leave the world before I enter the church, to set my affections on things above, to shun forbidden follies and vanities, to be a dispenser as well as a partaker of grace, to be prepared to bear evil as well as to do good. O God, make me worthy of this calling, that the name of Jesus may be glorified in me and I in Him." Oh to live my life like this!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Pictures from Mother's Day
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Grandma Update
Please pray for their salvation and their health! Thank you for all that you have prayed!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Thursday Thoughts
"Carry me Daddy, my Daddy will carry me". This was a constant phrase we heard from the back seat as we drove to the park tonight (along with, "I'm going to feed the ducks in the pond, at the park"). She loves her Daddy and she knows that he is strong and can carry her and can protect her and that he loves her with an unending love. In my devotions today, I read this verse in Psalm 28, "Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever." (v.9) The analogy here is clearly that of a shepherd carrying his sheep, but it reminded me of Rylie and her Daddy. This is one of the ways I need to view God. He cares for me, He protects me, He carries me when I need it, He shelters me with His unending love! That is a personal God! I am fully aware that He is sovereign and I have that reverential awe for Him, but I'm working on that intimate, personal part of Him. I am very thankful that He has revealed this side of Himself in His Word and in my life. He makes me feel very secure!
(By the way, I know that my Daddy is still my protector and loves me with an unending love also! And I love Him, just like Rylie loves her Daddy!)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Valley of Vision
Monday, May 7, 2007
Mommy, Mom, Mamma
Sunday, May 6, 2007
100th POST!!!!!
A few posts ago, I had said that I would give you an excerpt from Ryan's sermon last Sunday night. He taught from a sermon that Thomas Watson (a Puritan) preached in the 1600's. The whole focus of the message was glorifying God. He gave five reasons why we must glorify God:
1. He is the source of your life. Realize that we aren't self sufficient, every breath we have, every fiber of our being is because of God.
2. He made all things for His glory. God made everything for Himself. We all bear the Potter's fingerprints.
3. The glory of God is of infinite worth. His glory is His treasure, it's worth more than all of Heaven, than all of the souls of men. God is infinite and therefore of infinite value.
4. Creation below and above glorify God, we need to get in line. Shall everything, the Angels and the rocks, glorify Him and not man?!
5. All our hope hangs on Him. What do we have besides Him? If He is my hope, why shouldn't I glorify Him?
The conclusion to this was that our pride is not something to be cultivated or coddled. The way to get rid of pride is to let the glory of God humble us. We are to meditate on who God is! Spend some time thinking, meditating, praising God for His glory!