Here are some pictures from our day. The one with the snow and the tree are actually from yesterday. Yes, you read that right, snow! Snow in Spring! It's almost April! I didn't think Anna's first snow would come until next December. I know this is not that unusual in other parts of the country, but it is very unusual for the Pacific Northwest. When we woke up this morning there was more snow on the ground and the news said it may snow more tonight. The other pictures are from Rylie helping me make the Chocolate Trifle for our Flock Group potluck tonight. I loved the chocolate face! I think the Trifle turned out pretty good for my first try. Thanks Michelle for the PC Trifle Bowl!
My Aunt Jo and Aunt Paula came to visit last week and I got a great picture of Aunt Paula holding Anna, but it is in my other computer which isn't working right now. It was great to visit with them though, they live a few hours away so we don't see them all that often. My Uncle Rich is on the show Axmen on the History Channel. He is a Yarder Operator for Gustafson Logging. I had DVR'd the last two episodes and finally had a chance to watch them last night. I was excited to see how much of him they showed!
Justus would watch TV all day if I let him as well. But after a while I start to feel guilty for letting him watch what he has and so then the TV goes off and the Radio goes on and we play and clean together. But I will soon face your dellema of how to get everything done with a new addition. Only 10 weeks to go!
Hi sweetie, hope you get this. Dad and I will be leaving in about an hour for the regional. I HOPE Rylie, Anna, and you are doing better!!!!!! I'm praying for you.
We will be back for Awana on Wed. so we'll hopefully see you then. Hopefully you'll have a good day since Ryan will be home to help.
I love you, see you soon
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