Sunday, September 16, 2007

Backseat Driver

I thought backseat drivers were those people who know how to drive and were tall enough to see over the steering wheel. Apparently, they also come in the form of two and a half year olds. Rylie has learned the song, "Twinkle, twinkle traffic light". If you have a toddler, you may be familiar with this song. It explains what to do at a red light and so on. Rylie has really taken it to heart. She will yell to me from the backseat, "Stop Mommy, stop!" if she sees a red light coming up. And then, conversely, "Go now Mommy!" if it is a green light ( and yes, even sometimes, "Go very slow" if it's a yellow light.)
Tonight, on the way home from church, I just about broke her little heart. You would have thought so at least, if you could have heard the indignation and sorrow in her voice. What horrible thing did I do, you ask? I turned right at a red light. With a very distressed voice, she told me "You didn't stop Mommy, you have to stop at a red light." I tried to explain to her that it's ok, if there are no other cars coming to turn right at a red light. "No, Mommy, you have to stop at a red light, we have to follow the rules." This went on for a few minutes.
I'm glad she has such a sense of right and wrong, but the backseat driving is getting a little old.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

ROCK ON RYLIE GIRL!!!! I can't believe your baby is an avacado now!!!