Thursday, February 8, 2007

Survivor, Lost, and other musings. . .

I am addicted to Lost! For those of you who don't watch the show, last night was the "premiere" again! They took a long break, but now they are back with 17 nonstop episodes! I jumped when Julietta's ex-husband was hit by that bus! Poll: Does Kate belong with Jack or with Sawyer?
Rylie counted to ten all by herself! She just ran into the kitchen, chasing a balloon and yelled out one through ten!
She has now decided that she is a bear and goes around growling at us. For our part, we have to pretend to be very scared and she giggles uncontrollably.
Mom and I asked Rylie "Who is Pastor Ryan?" She said, "Daddy"! We didn't know she knew that was Daddy's "other" name!
I have great admiration for my best friend/sister-in-law, Pam! She has been taking care of two (sometimes three) sick kids for awhile now, getting very little sleep, yet she doesn't whine or complain about it like I would! My gift to you: zzzzzzzzzzzz! I wish I could give you sleep!
It's Survivor night! It's on right now, but Ryan is at Flock Group (our small group Bible study), so I have to wait for him to watch it! Thank goodness for DVR!
I think that's all the musings I have for the moment!


red-headed Wilson's said...

There isn't even a question there. Kate and Sawyer are for each other. Ben and I LOVE LOST. One of the few shows we both like.

momaof4 said...

I think we watch something at the same time Lost is on. Though we are big Survivor fans...Do you like Amazing Race? It's an "all star" one this season! hee,hee