Friday, July 20, 2007

Random updates on our life. . .

I am 6.5 weeks along now. I'm feeling pregnant sooner than I did with Rylie. I've been feeling nauseous at times and really tired. I finally remembered that I feel much better if I eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three big meals. Abby my two year old niece thinks it's a boy baby. We'll see!
We had a lot of fun Wednesday night at the Mariners game with our friends, Dan and Sara. It was great spending fun time with them (as opposed to ministry time, Dan is an assistant Pastor with Ryan), and the game was very exciting. We played the Baltimore Orioles and it was tied until the bottom of the eighth inning. Of course the Mariners ended up winning!
My daughter enjoys teasing me by saying "Go Yankees!" and "The Yankees are my favorite team" (thanks a lot Dad and Eric)! She thinks this is hilarious (for those of you who don't know, I think of the Yankees as the antichrist of baseball!).
We are officially on vacation but we haven't gone anywhere. We decided to stay home and do some remodeling. When we moved in to our house, we painted the stairway and the landing upstairs. Unfortunately, the paint we used has since peeled off. Ryan has spent the last two days scraping the old paint off the walls. Today he has been sanding the walls down to get rid of the oil based paint that was underneath our paint. Then we will repaint the bottom half of the walls and then wallpaper the top half of the walls. We are going to turn the landing into a reading nook. We (read Ryan) will also put in a ceiling fan/light in. I'm so thankful for all of the work Ryan has done. I haven't been helping because the paint underneath ours quite possibly is lead based, we don't want our baby breathing that in through me. Today Rylie and I got out of the house while he was sanding so Rylie didn't breathe it in either. We went shopping all day and then spent time with my parents. My parents had Rylie's cousins, Abby and Luke over today, so Rylie had a blast with them. I took some cute pictures of all three of them in the bath.
I had fun shopping today because I had two gift certificates to use, which amounts to free stuff! I got a new duvet cover for our bed. We've been wanting to change our bedroom decor to more earth tones, so I was really excited when I found a duvet cover in earth tones that was normally $99 on sale for $25! I also was able to get four new maternity shirts for when I start showing!
I'm off to find a dress for Rylie to wear tomorrow, we're getting our pictures taken with Ryan's side of the family!

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