When Rylie saw this lawnmower at a garage sale, she said, "Can we take this home? I can help Daddy and be like Daddy!". She was excited when we got home and Daddy was ready to mow the lawn. She went right out there to help him. Ryan thought it was pretty special!
On Saturday, I took her and her cousin, Abby, to the park. When they were swinging, she said, "I'm higher than the sky and faster than a car!".
The other day, she and Ryan were sitting in the car waiting for me and they saw a man walk by. Rylie asked Ryan who the man was and what his name was. Ryan said he didn't know, and Rylie replied, "I know his name." Ryan asked what it was, and Rylie said, "Ummm, Macoroni!" Everyonce in awhile since then, she has asked us, "where is Macoroni?"
She asked me, "When can I be bigger?"
Today, she said, "I'm not a little girl anymore." I asked her what she was and she said, "I'm a big girl now."
Not yet sweetpea! Stay little for awhile!
Hello, Amy! It appears you may be a "closet" Prose of Sharon reader! : ) I noticed your comment on Atticus' blog and thought I'd make my way to yours, and I'm glad I did!
Isn't it great to find sisters in Christ right here at our fingertips? And not to mention fellow M's fans! This internet thing is pretty cool...it just might take off! : )
Thanks for reading. I'll be kneading the playdough over here periodically, too!
That is just too sweet! Isn't it great when they are such daddy's little girl's. My daughter does the same thing.
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I've enjoyed catching up on yours and I just LOVE your title :)
That is just too sweet! Isn't it great when they are such daddy's little girl's. My daughter does the same thing.
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I've enjoyed catching up on yours and I just LOVE your title :)
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