Monday, October 1, 2007

Young Love

So, Rylie has had a crush on a Junior High boy from our church. Yesterday she told me, "I love Tyler, he's my favorite." Tonight, her friend Keegan came over to play (while their Daddy's watched football). When it was time for her to go to bed, Keegan and his Dad came upstairs to put away the toys Keegan had played with. As they were leaving the room, Keegan came over to Rylie, who was laying in bed, and tucked her in. When they went downstairs, Rylie told me, "I like Keegan, he's my favorite. I don't like Tyler anymore."
I didn't think we would have to worry about multiple crushes, or any for that matter, at this age! At least Keegan is her age! And no, Ryan doesn't like it one bit!

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