Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

In our Homeschooling today, I read Rylie the story of Harriet Tubman and tried to explain to her the horrors of slavery and conversely, the excitement of today as the 44th President of the United States is also the first African American President! She wanted to understand why I was crying with joy, as we watched the Inauguration and why I was excited about our President, when I didn't believe in the things he believed in.
I think it is okay to have mixed emotions on this historic day. I think it is okay to feel a sense of pride and joy in the transforming work in America, that we are able to elect a black man President. I also think it is okay to be saddened by the beliefs that this President holds to, specifically of pro-choice.
As I explained to Rylie, the best thing we can do is to pray for our President. Dr. Al Mohler has written a wonderful, balanced prayer that you can read here. I highly encourage you to pray this along with him.
(By the way, Rylie says that when she is a grown up she is going to vote for Ariel to be President!)


Sarah said...

Yeah, when Toby came through the door today with a picture he had drawn of our new president, it really hit me the kind of attitude that I need to have about our elected leaders. I may not agree with the decisions he makes, but I have a responsibility to support him as our president, especially as an example to my children.
I'm always moved by ceremonies...no matter what they are! Today's events certainly hold a lot of significance...in many ways.
Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I need to be better about not secluding myself when we're having a rough time. Next time, Starbucks it is!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

you are such a great mom amy! i too feel proud of our country that we have been able to elect our first black president even if i don't agree with his positions on many things. i have some thoughts related to this on my latest blog. oh and tell rylie that i will vote for ariel with her! :D