Friday, November 5, 2010

I blew it!

I have done so well in the past few years of NaBloPoMo of posting every day for the month of November, but this year, I have allready blown it! Four days into the month and I failed to post. I'm disapointed in myself but I'm going to blame it on my broken toe and the distraction that has caused me. I'm going to try to continue even though I'm now out of the running for the prizes. I have a lot of pictures to catch up on anyway!


red-headed Wilson's said...

I hear you on the posting. I have stayed with it but when I have noticed with the pain I am feeling it makes my posts less positive. I can't wait to feel better and get around to putting halloween pictures up and being more positive.

Keep with it though. I like catching up with everyone this month in blogging world.

Janice said...

I blew it too. With everyone being sick, I don't have time. I'm pooped