Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This is how I look when I do my laundry. Hair perfectly coiffed, ecstatic smile on my face! Or maybe I look a little more harried, still in my pajamas because I hadn't gotten a chance to take a shower yet, reprimanding Anna to "put the socks back". I'll let you choose which image of me you think is the correct one!
I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day and she was sharing how depressing it is to compare yourself to other women. There are those women that appear to be "supermom's", they are always cheerful, patient, never cross with their kids. They rise at dawn and have their devotions and nails done before the kids wake up. Their home is always spotless and it is effortless. Their children are always obedient and helpful. They have all of their priorities in order and are always organized. Now, I know that these women don't really exist all the time. Some people really do have it all together, but nobody does all the time. We are fallible creatures. I for one am very fallible and definitely do not have it together. In fact I have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately and very much reminded of how far I have to go. I pretty much always feel like I am failing in one area or another. I was starting to feel like maybe I was getting a handle on things, but then the Swine flu hit and things fell apart again.
It was eye opening to me though when I was talking to my friend. She is one of those people that I consider a "supermom". I look up to her and want to emulate her. It was somewhat reassuring to me that she compares herself to other people too. She is a Godly woman who I respect, but she's human too. It just reminds me of how much we all need God's grace and strength every day. I keep clinging to Galatians 6:9, " And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

(I would like to give credit for this picture, but I don't remember where it came from! Sorry!)


Michelle said...

Thanks for this post Amy. I totally know where you're coming from. Trust me- pop in on us anytime, and you'll find at least a few things "wrong." Either a naked 3 year old running around, me in my pj's, stuff all over- yeah, I think you already know I'm no "supermom." ;)

I think you do a nice job of taking care of your kids, you & they always look nice when you go somewhere, your house is very cute, and you are very considerate. :) I appreciate you for who you are.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy! Great post and great reminder, not to get down and throw in the towel, but to keep pressing on, and doing the best we can for our families. *Michelle, you have a naked three year old too? I thought mine was the only one!!:) Have a great day ladies, I think you are both supermoms!!
Now, off to finish my dishes and laundry. Well, maybe not FINISH, but continue! Love, Amy, Clayton,and Madi's Mommy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement Amy! (And the laugh at the beginning of your post...that was great!) I am right there with you...with all of it! Btw I think you're an amazing wife and mother! YOU are someone that I look up to! God has blessed me with your friendship. I think the important thing is that like your friend said, we just keep trying. We keep fully leaning on our Lord and we just keep going and keep loving God, loving our family and trying to do everything to the glory of God. As Rachel D. always tells me....we have an audience of ONE. God is our audience, nobody else. I love you! And I'm praying for you too!

Love, Lyndee