Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Thoughts

I have been studying Psalm 33 and all of the different reasons it gives us to worship God. The third reason to praise and worship God is that He loves righteousness and justice. The definition of "righteousness" is "the state of doing what is required according to a standard". God is the epitome of righteousness, He is the one who set the standard. Righteousness is the ethical and moral standard, this standard is the nature and will of God. God is perfect and therefore without sin. As Rylie says, "He's always good and never bad". He takes pleasure when we are righteous. Righteousness is exhibited only through conformity to the standards set out in the Word of God. When we are righteous we serve God, we do right deeds. We are obedient to God's law and become like Him, conforming to His nature.
"Justice" means "the state of deciding what is right without prejudice". God is the true authority, judge, ruler of all creation. He is the one who made everything, He has the right to rule it! God is just according to truth without partiality. Justice is not the same as fairness. Sometimes it may seem like God isn't fair (only because we don't see things from God's perspective), but He is always just. He loves it when people act with justice as well. We need to act without prejudice or partiality.
How wonderful that we have a God who is always good and right and true and just! How wonderful that He shows mercy on us! Praise Him this week when you see aspects of His righteousness and justice.

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